Cargotraxsingapore's Blog

R.A.T.S-Terror @ AMAZON

Posted on: 23/02/2012


1 Response to "R.A.T.S-Terror @ AMAZON"

R.A.T.S –
Revenge Against Territorial Sequestration

With apologies to Walt Disney.
This is not a Mickey Mouse story.

This is a true story of a Jewish family who escaped the wrath of Nazi Germany, found their way into the war torn England.

When they thought that they had now settled into a quiet peaceful English life in rural countryside, terror strikes.

Future wiped out of the family, the Jewish father instructs the twin sons to avenge the perpetrators.

During a meeting with another Russian Jew, the twins hear of how to motivate Rats to decimate Rats!

All original names have been changed to maintain anonymity and confidentiality. However names and details of some original locations remain same to maintain a degree of authenticity

This book is dedicated to Israel and to the Israelites the World over, suffering from terrorism and to Palestine and to the Palestinians who are seeking the security of their own State. May they both find mutual peace and learn to live alongside.

Gives a Glimpse of a Cycle of Events
Rolling for over 2000 Years.

Get Yourself Wrapped-up in RATS!

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